No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

My Girl...

...had her first visit to school today! Wow, she's grown up awfully fast! I left my course early today to come home in time for the family trip to the local primary school. Wee C had an hour in her new classroom with her teacher and classmates, while us parents (and siblings) had a cup of tea in the lunch hall and the Depute Head gave us the lowdown... Exciting stuff! THREE Primary 1 classes with 23 to 25 kids in each - it's a popular school! Wee C had a great time though. Next stop, school uniform shop - it's shirts, ties & blazers all the way at wee C's school! I have a feeling that I should be buying shares in 'Vanish'.

Wee C is still loving the shower these days - here she is washing the shower doors for me (with shower gel, it would be much better if she actually used it to wash her own body, but hey ho). Wee D still prefers the bath, and I think he actually prefers it now he doesn't have to fight for the bath toys... :-)

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