Let's Try Again Shall We
I posted this - it showed us as 'confirmed' .......... and then vanished.
Not the first time it has happened either.
But here we go again.................................................
The Monaco Grand Prix was on - so that meant a lazy afternoon in front of the TV (that is one race that is always worth watching)
Afterwards it was a quick look to see what I could snap in the front garden.
I started off with the mint which was threatening to choke the pond until the other week.
Then it was the 3 frogs (actually plant pot feet)
I really like ivy seed pods..... they are just so unusual.
The clocks haven't hit their hour yet - so there is still time to try and erradicate them.
Finally, it was the tiny flowers on the berberis with the lethal spines that can stab you through thick leather gardening gloves and even shoe leather.
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