All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Where the rivers meet.

After our first ventures into baby rice yesterday I think I was a tad optimistic when I thought one day "on solids" would solve Ethans bad sleeping! We had another bad night - after taking from 8pm-10pm to get him to sleep in the first place,he woke at 3.30am for a feed, then again at 6am and again at 7.30am! (sigh)!

Still, our second attempt at giving him baby rice went better today as he seemed much more keen to try it and ate a wee bit more. So we'll see how tonight goes!

Both Ethan and hubbie were very sleepy today and had a early afternoon nap - lucky them, lol!

Later in the day we drove through to Doune to visit the in-laws, as they hadn't seen Ethan since the middle of January. As mother-in-law was still to finish her shift at the local pub, hubbie and I wandered down to Doune Castle with Ethan to kill some time. We strolled down to the river, where the River Teith meets the River Ardoch and basked in the sun for a wee while. Bliss!

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