postcards from new york

By editrrix


I spied this distorted script through the window of an east village bar. My camera's battery charger died, so no images until I can get a replacement. And just when I was thinking of heading out to Coney Island for some pics. Still no job unless I want to work for $10 an hour at a natural food store, hand out free popcorn in midtown, walk dogs, apply decals to taxicabs, write articles about the sexual lives of new yorkers, or take an interesting (but noncompensated) internship. Still have a number of resumes floating around in the HR departments of several publishers, though my attempts have proven less than fruitful. And yesterday I lost a blip subscriber. Were my photos too exclusionary? Too tolerant?

In light of today's blip, I thought I'd point you fine folks to a few of the more interesting articles/stories that I've read lately:

A person found 50 years worth of photos of the same woman spanning from the 1930s to the 1990s in a cosmetic case that he purchased at a flea market and posted them in order here.

This recent book review of The World Without Us was oddly uplifting...

The NYT's ran an interesting article about the pet food industry and canine and feline nutrition; really, it is much more interesting than that.

And on a scary note, carried this piece about how our freedoms continue to be the sad plight of a fellow patriot in Ohio.

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