Chick Flick

By Flick

Looking For A Black Cardigan

Woke up at 6.00am today as I didn't want to miss my Physio appt at 9.30am...hmmm
I got there in good time and met Kelly for my second appt. He gave my hand the once over and pronounced a gold medal for improvement... which I was very surprised at as I can safely say I have not done one single exercise that he listed for me...naughty Flick!
I then went shopping with Daughter Emily and ended up in TK Max to look for a black cardigan for her .
I must just add that I spent the day stopping at green lights and forgetting to lock the car's talking you see
anyway back to the boring drivel I mentioned to Emily that her other black cardigan was still on the desk chair from April 'Oh' said Emily 'Well I don't need to buy one then.'
No that's true but she did buy a top and I bought 3 tops all of which are beautiful and were on the 'clearance rail' so cost £3.00 and £4.oo so not much really.
So 'looking for a black cardigan' took 5 hours not long really in the grand scheme of things.
This is a photo of Emily trying on a dress and my camera as I photograph her in the mirror..
there that's basically the summing up of my heady, exciting and exhausting day
I do apologise...

EDIT internet slooooooow will catch up tomorrow ...sigh

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