Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sundown in Florence Oregon

Well, here I am back-blipping again. After attending the "Subject cataloging workshop" for the second day, my head was really reeling. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I was glad when I could get in my little Cabrio, put the top down, and speed down the freeway with my hair flying in the wind. It was warm in Eugene, about 80 degrees. We are just not used to that heat.

We grabbed a bite to eat with my Mom and my Aunt and Uncle, and then we were down the road, and headed home with the top still down on the Cabrio and the sun starting to set. I hoped to get to Florence before the sun disappeared, and we made it.

I loved the reflections the sun made in the sand, but I was really intrigued by the reflection the sun made in the windows of a building in the west. I took a few shots of it, but they did not do justice to the scene.

Anyway, it was nice to be back home and sleep in our own beds.

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