BlipaEwan 29...
This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see how they change over time.
Let's just start with last night. Bethany stayed with her granny last night. They normally share a bedroom with beds right beside each other but last night Ewan fell out of bed 5 times. It's like his sister provides a gravity that keeps him in bed. Very odd.
His talking is coming on brilliantly and whilst on the subject of his sister, he calls her 'Anny' in lieu of being able to pronounce her name properly. My favourite Ewan'ism just now however, is most definitely 'crogs' which are amphibious creatures that grow from tadpoles.
Ewan is very outgoing and almost always waves and says hello to anyone that we pass on our wee saunters. There's a small girl that lives in the street who always runs up to us and gives they both big cuddles, lifting Ewan off his feet.
You can check out the rest of this series by entering the word BlipaEwan into the Blipfoto search tool.
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