No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

A very rare whisky indeed...

This is my haul from my trip into work the other day - this afternoon was the first chance I had to have a good look at what we were given. A commemorative bottling of Port Dundas grain whisky, a photograph of the distillery crew with the last ever cask produced, and a rather cheesy DVD about Port Dundas Distillery & cooperage, made fairly recently with interviews with some of the more larger-than-life characters on site.

You'll see on the left hand side of the picture a little sticky mitt creeping in for a feel (just because I said no - wee D likes a challenge!). That bottle is now covered in sticky fingerprints...

Have spent all evening with wee R's mum, shopping for wee C and wee R's joint 5th birthday party tomorrow. I now have a car boot full of crisps, sweets and Fruit Shoots, party bag treats and birthday cake! Wee C is very excited, as is wee R - the DJ (!!) has their specially composed playlist and they're on the countdown to a boogie! Woo hoo!

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