
By Icarus59

From the very old to the very young.

Now i bet you are all wondering about this picture , and even if your not i will explain. My father sadly passed away in 1995 just shortly after celebrating his and my mothers 40th wedding anniversary and he left a huge gap in all our lives that has never been filled, and it would be impossible to do so as im sure many of you know by being in that situation yourselves.
The lady in the blip is my soon to be 75 year old mother and , like my dear old dad , has a zest for life . She decided that she wanted to dress up in my leathers and lid to have her photo taken to show how young at heart she is and that she is full of life.
The handsome young gentleman she is posing with is my youngest son , who along with his brother is motor sport crazy , and between them they represent the oldest and the youngest in my family(he is 13 by the way)and im beginning to wonder who is the biggest kid.
My father never got the chance to know his two grandsons and never got the chance to do anything crazy with them , but given mums performance today its good to know his legacy lives on.
P.S Mum has her eye on my sports bike for the next time she visits , God help us all !!!!.

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