random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Tar, thanks, cheers

I've bitten the bullet. I've started saying it like it is, like there is no working tomorrow. And woah, do I feel good about it.

Its on the table. Recognise me or lose me. But its ok chaps, I'm finishing my time out here, there are people I respect to work with, monsoons to experiece and family holidays to be had. After that it feels like i could end up anywhere.

As expected, once you;ve done a bit of this then people want you.

But I have some targets for a date in Scotland in less than 2 years.

Things could get intense. To meet all goals.

Why didn't I start this ride twenty years ago?

And to be in the land of cricket the yeat that England find themselves, everyone here hates Australia - they even want the Pakistanis to win. Its like bing in scotland except Aus are the targets and England the hopefuls. And iof Pak beat Aus, they'll still want England.

Dhoni is suggesting that too many IPL parties did for the Indians!!

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