Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Farm Machinery

Thankfully today has been a much better day than yesterday! Hurrah!

This morning I did quite a lot of desk admin, then went into town to the Post Office, the bank, the doctor's, and three shops (I bought food, wool and a new cuddly friend - you'll meet him in future I'm sure), before driving the few miles to our favourite farm shop to stock up on fresh asparagus because we hadn't had any for a whole night!!!

I parked up and saw this rather splendid looking tractor and farm scene, so I thought it might make a nice blip. I'm quite keen on big machines and things.

If you want to see what the asparagus looks like, then check out my blip for 1st May for a close-up shot!

This afternoon I went to the gym again. I desperately didn't want to go. REALLY wanted to stay home on the sofa and eat Maltesers, but I went, and felt better for it.

Lessons for today: 1. Things can get better after bad days. 2. Making the effort to get out and about and do stuff usually pays off and makes life better.

Very many thanks for the kind words yesterday. Very much appreciated. Apologies for the sporadic commenting - I'm still looking and will try to keep up with comments when I can.

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