Aperture Science

By stevie

Burn Out

'Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity' to quote Vinnie Jones

Went out today camera in hand only to find...Dead battery! Bummer. Many missed Blip chances (including the demolition of a building, Damn!) A Quick charge at home later and i was again looking for my next blip!

A brief trawl of the local backroads turned up the obligatory burnt out car, exactly what i was looking for! Its kinda sad in a way that i did find it, another symptom of society i guess.

I've lost my Learner sign next to my name now! Very fitting 'cos I've learned so much since joining the land of Blip and looking forward to my education continuing!

I was originally going to use a full version of the car (it was really Burnt out, the worst I have seen in a while) but decided on this close-up and crop, only a little adjusting of hue/saturation in photoshop, theres just something about rust that makes it so photogenic. As i mentioned above the car (a Renault Laguna methinks) was totally destroyed so all the detail was lost form the engine bay and interior.


edit: I've ran into the problem of taking too many photos each day, can anyone recommend any other sites that i can use? Then i can get some Linkage going on! cheers

Edit numero 2: Change from the close angle and after some photoshop fun have elected to go for this option....I think..... Original Entry can be found here...

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