Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

And this little piggy went wee wee wee..

I don't know anything about being a mum.

I've never been one before now, I don't know any other babies... I'm learning as I go and every now and then I find out that there is something that I absolutely, positively, definitely should have been doing for weeks or months and haven't been doing.

'Air Time' is one such thing.

It would seem that Lyra needs to air her bottom. It is important. I'm not exactly sure why. But it IS important. (I think perhaps the World ends or similar if babies bottoms are not aired?)

So I am dutifully allowing Lyra to air her bottom. This is not as straightforward as one might think. I have had to change sheets, wash duvets, wash multiple towels and so forth because, unsuprisingly they end up covered in wee. Nice.

So then I read somewhere an idea so simple I don't know why I didn't think of it... Let Lyra roll around naked on her waterproof changing mat. Genius. I did this yesterday. Marvelous. And I had given her a mirror to play with so she didn't even try to escape the mat. I was a teensy bit preoccupied writing a text or checking my blip or something then heard happy happy squealing and a kind of squelching, splashing sound.

... and then I looked up and realised exactly why this was a bad idea. A very bad idea, especially if your daughter has very long hair.

I have never had to wash wee out of hair before. I hope never to again.

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