Er, oh my goodness!

So, anyway, er, I got a call tonight.

'Hi there. It's Jay Mathews'

'Oh, hello''

'So, d'ya wanna be in a movie'?

'Er, sure, why not'?

So, apparently they thought they'd be using another girl who was auditioning for the same part, but Jay reckons I was better and that they decided to go with me.

Not sure how I feel right now. Shocked? Surprised? Nervous? Excited? Happy?

All of the above.

Filming is in a couple of months or so.


In other news, Cousteau is putting on a bit of weight and is seeming a bit brighter. Unfortunately, I've found a wee lump on his tummy. It's bigger than the sort he normally gets and I'm a bit worried. I don't know if it's linked to the sickness, but I do think it's time for us to take a wee visit to the vet.

I'm trying not to panic.

I'm off to bed now.


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