Rodents rule

By squirk

The return of the jazz

I had a few good blips for today, but settled on this one - Darth Vader listening to jazz, with a group of fans looking up at him.

F and I cycled to the South Bank to meet friends on the County Hall terrace and listen to the jazz. The entrance to the Star Wars exhibition is on the terrace so we shouldn't have been surprised to the the Dark Lord of the Sith make an appearance. The jazz band casually slipped into the Star Wars theme tune, much to our amusement. After a few moments, Darth Vader strode back into the exhibition. Here's another Star Wars moment from the day.

F and our two friends were lured into the 'Hyper Jump' (a kind of bungee-jumping thing) that was going on right beside the jazz band stage. I kept my feet firmly on the ground.

Afterwards, F and I cycled back home, pausing only to stuff ourselves with fine Greek food at a restaurant in Camberwell. The restaurant is right by the cycle path and every day we pass it and want to eat there. Now that we've dined there, the urge to stop and eat there every day will be much stronger!

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