Because I'm Easy. Over Easy.

Bit of a rough start this morning, and as I was sitting at the breakfast table with my coffee, having a moment to myself while my daughter's tantrum ran its course upstairs in her room, my husband said to me, "Hey. Do you want eggs for breakfast?"

I was touched. He doesn't offer to make me breakfast often, but I wasn't very hungry. I reluctantly said, "Hmmm. No thanks," hating to turn down his offer.

Without a pause he said, "Then do you want to make me eggs for breakfast?"

"Wait. I thought you were offering to make me eggs," I replied. He was the one, after all, who worked as a short-order breakfast cook in college.

"But nobody else can make eggs over easy as perfectly as you do" he said with a sheepish--but sincere--grin.

It's true. I've pretty much mastered eggs over easy. And it's true that I'm a sucker for a compliment when I'm feeling a bit beaten down. "Go check on the tantrum," I said. "Two eggs over easy with toast -- coming up."

Edit: Ah ha. "Over easy" must be an American/North American term. It's when you fry an egg in a skillet with its "sunny side up" then turn it over at the last minute to cook any of the runny white. The yolk should still be completely runny (and unbroken!). For the definitive guide to preparing eggs over easy, look here.

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