Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Empire Lakes morning swim

Yesterday, I uploaded my first photo, and I did not realize that this is where you are supposed to write your Journal. So, I will try to write more today. I am so excited about this web site, I could not even sleep last night. I laid awake until about 11:30, and then my husband had set the alarm wrong and it went off ad midnight. So, I laid awake about another hour.

I was back up at 5:30, and out the door to take some morning shots. It was, of course, way too early to see much of anything. So, I waited in my car until it got a little lighter. I had to quit taking photos at about 6:45, and head home to get ready for work.

I got a few nice photos, I think, they may be a little dark, but there was a great fog over the lake, and, of course, the little duckies.

Later, at work, I took some shots of a fire & ice plant.

Thanks for all the nice comments on my first photo.

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