Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


another blipmeet, but of the unreallyplanned kind....

Samiam was following the Wicklow Way, and arrived, to the delight and surprise of all concerned.

Of course, I am the worst host in the world.
No food, or drink, in the house (mostly because I am broke)

Both walk, and talk, are cheap, so up the hills we went.....

Brown bread sandwiches and blood oranges, and a glass of white wine, the classiest kind of picnic, on top of a forest hill overlooking six counties....

The poor hoor couldnt get over the amount of green.

Wonderfulworld wanted to hike, too, but declined due to a dodgy back.

I like her eyes, and the tone of her skin, a healthy glow we Celts rarely seem to be able to achieve.

So I took this pic.......

Later in the week, there might be a meet with R-E.

Now that really would be mental.....

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