an old cynic's view

By superhero

One of my pet hates

My wife and I both suffer from very debilitating conditions which cause us difficulty walking, but we both look OK.
Its wonderful how people see us getting out the car and become doctors even though I must use a stick.
I went to the supermarket one Sunday morning and got out the car and a passing "gent" said "are you not supposed to limp when you get out", I didnt really take it in at first and then I realised what he had said but became very angry and told him that he should not pre-judge people and although I didn't need to, I explained to him that I suffered from Asbestosis and had Cardio vascular problems.
At this point he became very sheepish and apologised.
I see him frequently and as soon as he sees me he scurries off on another direction.
I would like to see people who use these spaces without authority given a fine, I am glad to say that this has happened up here in Scotland but would like to see it go nationwide.

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