
By flying

Performance - Water

Stage Challenge 2010 and what a fantastic evening!

Stage Challenge is for Secondary school aged students.  Each school who participates chooses their own theme and portrays it through movement. Some of the themes covered were:
Take a Risk, be Yourself, Drowning in Debt, Pathway to Equality, Fitting in, Do you care enough (about animal cruelty), Lest we forget, 2012: To panic or not to panic and Water.

Daughter E's school chose Water.  They had a cast of 100 of which 90 were on stage.
They opened with a Cloud and Storm scene, completely captivating the audience and setting the mood.
Moving onto the River scene where students wore blue/green costumes and formed 2 rows.  They carried bright blue material over their heads which the light flickered onto and made the material shine as it moved. There was not a stir amoungst the audience.
Scene 3 was the Swimming scene.  Students were completely black with brightly coloured bikinis and vibrant flowered swimming hats.  It was fun and the audience were clapping.
Scene 4 was the Bathroom scene.  Five students had individual showers made from brightly coloured shower material.  The showerheads had blue tinsel hanging from them which flickered in the light.  It did look like water. Some toilets were rolled across the stage and then a bath with two students.  The toilets came back but with students sitting upon them.  It was hilarious and had the audience in stitches.  There was endless clapping, yelling and whistling.
Scene 5 was the Drought scene - left us in a more sobering mood thinking about where we would be without water.

Water RHS Stage Challenge

The students did a fantastic job and had an awesome time.  Many awards were handed out and Daughter E's school won 1st place!! All credit to those who took part, no matter how big or small, it was a fabulous performance.  The commitment was huge as there were many practises after school and during weekends.

Daughter E also got the wonderful surprise of seeing Daughter A before the show started.  It was lovely to see them hug and to share that sisterly love for one another.  Daughter A has now gone back to Wellington and Daughter E is due to go to her dance lesson.

I'm not good with words so hope I haven't gone on tooo much.  The photo, is a photo of a photo, if you know what I mean, so hope this is allowed.  I completely forgot to take a photograph with all the happenings.  

I also hope this write up works this time.  I wrote a long blurb before and somehow lost it!!

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