All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Sleepy Head

I started off trying to take close-ups of Ethans lips but I couldn't seem to get a good picture in focus. So I ended up just photographing his whole face - he's so cute when he's asleep!

This morning we had a hospital appointment with a paediatrician at St Johns as they wanted to see him again due to him being premature. They started by weighing him. He's now 12lb 10oz which is still small for his age (he's still in 0-3 clothes despite being nearly 5 months) but is putting on a decent amount of weight each week. I was rather embarassed though when he pee'd all over the scales, lol! He then redeemed himself though by being really alert and chatty with the doctor! The doctor who saw us is really pleased with his development and doesn't forsee him having any problems in the future. However, has scheduled another appointment for August just to check him over again. She also thinks it might be a good idea for me to start weaning him soon. I had been planning to hold out to 6 months but looks like we might be starting sooner and hopefully it will help him start to sleep through the night!

The visit to the hospital must have worn him out as he then slept for over 2 hours when we got home, which is unheard of these days!

In the afternoon, we went to visit one of my sisters friends and her 2 young sons. We had a nice walk to the nursery to pick up her eldest son followed by a trip to their local playpark. Ethan decided to sleep during this too. What a sleepyhead!

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