
By champignons

A knight and his lady

Not really, It's Jo writing a cheque for awesomeyogamaster Paul. I was meant to be taking some follow up photos of the window but I liked their poses, so took a stealthy shot (thestealthyness explains why its not very good. That and the camera and the darkness and everything but me, obviously).

Weird day today because I got a mysterious letter in the post telling me to have a blood test.. I have not been to the Doctors since I had Finn. How do they know I need a blood test. I phoned up but they have automated the system and because I didn't have and appointment and didn't want an appointment and the machine couldn't answer me I walked all the way down there and asked.

They didn't know. Someone might tell me soon. I'm certainly not fasting for a blood test unless they tell me why as eating is one of my bestfavorites

Other news today- accidentally bought a top hat. I hope it fits...
and.. No lensbaby. Surprise.

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