Tim Grey's Daily-ish Foto

By timgrey

Morning Light

I've designated today "Marathon Studio Day" (you're welcome, Dan), where I'll be spending a marathon session in the Video2BrainVideo2Brain studios to make some serious progress on recording videos for a couple of video tutorial projects I'm working on with them. So, this morning after getting situated in the studio, I headed out to the market to buy some sandwiches and snacks to get me through the day.

I had noticed this scene on several other mornings, but never actually photographed it for some reason. Actually, for not particular reason, and certainly no good reason, because I actually like the composition. Between the golden glow of the early morning light, the relatively simple composition, and the play of shadows, I really like the scene. So this morning I finally captured it. And that's a good thing, because I don't intend to be outside during daylight hours today, so there won't be too many other opportunities for photography...

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