Blissful Now

By blissfulnow

Seven Sunday School Girls and an Assistant

This Mother's Day, I had the honor of teaching Sunday School with these precious little daughters and this other love-struck mother. The day was glorious for me; filled with light and acceptance. My husband, our two children, and a dear family friend sat talking for hours in the courtyard of the Shumei center in Pasadena, California, (, after a presentation about an amazing brand new book, entitled "VAN GOGH'S UNTOLD JOURNEY Revelations of Faith, Family, & Artistic Inspiration", ( that is already changing lives, through the collaboration between the author and the creators of a non-profit organization called "Progeny", which is committed to the rescue, safety, treatment, and rehabilitation of exploited and endangered children worldwide. I just marvel at the fact that the possibilities through creative connections are infinite, and are so very surprising! But I don't have to tell you that, here in the enchanted land of Blip.

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