
I made it!

I've come full circle with a blip for each day an entire year in my life. Looking back on that year its been a year of incessant change. It has been nomadic, free, adventurous, and searching. And its taken me many places, both literally and metaphorically.

Its taken me to New England, Virginia, the Great Lakes, California, and the Pacific Northwest adventuring in my America... and South over the equator line, ON the equator line. From the high wild heart of the Northern Andes down to the steamy green expanse of the Amazon basin. And from the roaring surf of the Pacific to the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Many places and many moments in between I've had.

Likewise I've had my own journies within this past year. Soaring highs and crushing lows bridging the full range and spectrum of human feeling and emotions. Along the way I've met many people. Some have touched and inspired me, others have failed and disappointed. Many have simply come and gone along the way, but the best still remain. And I've answered some big questions I think, but then so many more rush up to take their place like a Medusa's head. But I think I'm winning.

This began as a way to stay in touch and a venue to practice photography but it has become much more. Its become my own creative voice really, part journal and part memoir to narrate my story. My own unabashed shout into the winds for anyone to hear. And if you like joining along on my journies all the better and all my pleasure. Many thanks to those who subscribe and for all the great comments! I sincerely appreciate it. Stay tuned...

From the mountains of Colombia....Feliz Cumpleanos!

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