A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


So, I went to the Doctors this morning and showed him my finger, so to speak. He had a look at it and initially said I must have knocked it and it was bruising. Then he did a quick check of my hands (both of them) and then said "take your shoes and socks off please". Yes, I pulled a bemused face too. Turns out he was checking the colour and temperature of my extremities. When he looked at my feet and they were their standard whitish blue hue, in conjunction with being very cold (despite thick socks), and with my hands being icy cold on the fingers, he concluded that maybe I hadn't bumped my finger, but that maybe I had secondary Raynaud's syndrome. I have done some research and this apparently means that the Raynaud's is triggered by an underlying problem such as rheumatoid arthritis.

I think I preferred the option where I might have knocked my finger.

But at least this explains why my fingers and toes are always like ice, and possibly why every time I have gone ski-ing, my toes have lost sensation within a couple of hours, even when I had boots moulded especially to fit my feet.

So, drugs it is then. Currently, voltarol to reduce the swelling in the finger which is now a lovely deep shade of red, and something called Nifedipine, which is bright orange because of an E number called Sunrise Yellow. One of the side effects of the Orange pill is that it can reduce blood pressure and make your ankles swell. Will have to keep an eye on that, what with my BP being silly at the moment anyway. As for fat ankles - I think not!

So there you go. That explains that...or does it? We'll see!

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