Up North

By Carwij


Tulip. I'm affraid it's all about flowers lately. I had a hard time choosing my blip for today, but in the end I picked the flowershot, again. With Benjamin and Marc having fun at the May Fair today, I had the chance to do what ever I liked to do. I took the camera and walked to the City center of Groningen. We say 'The City'. There's a beautiful garden called 'De Prinsenhof' (The Princes Garden) where I photographed the Tulip.
I walked by the University of Groningen where I found the former Laboratory for Hygene. I've been told that when I link to other photographes at Picasa, all my albums can be viewed. I don't know how to change this, but I'm really not ashamed for anything so if you want you can have a look :-).
It felt good to have some time alone, not having to bother with the idea of annoying anybody with my constant focus on photography! I had a great day with even a little sun!

Please take a look (If you can spare the time) at runner up and 'almost blip' nr. 2

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