Seven Seasons in One Day
Off for our Sunday walk today - down to the Lochs. What strange weather we are having at the moment. Its struggling to get above 10c. The wind is coming in from the North East and there is snow forecast for Monday. Snow!!!! in MAY.
So back to the walk. I thought I would see lots to inspire me. We had a mix of sun and cloud. When the sun was out - it was almost pleasant. Then the clouds would roll over, the wind would pick up and it was positively baltic
Spent a lot of the time with my head down walking fast to get round. When we reached the lochs. Not a single bird in sight. Tho we did speak to a twitcher who informed us that a merlin had been over the lochs an hour before which might explain the lack of any wildlife
So...the picture shows the changing skies on the walk. Clear blue and the clouds.
It even had the audacity to rain later on!
Bring on the summer :-)
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