random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Swimming with the buffalo

Had a great mothers day, just neglected to call my mum.

Woke up hungover and had a cuppa tea then noticed Blackpool v Forest was on the sports channel they have in the gym. So went and did 45 mins on the machine that says max 20mins. Then 2 sets of everything until the solvent got too much. but the gym was closed for maintainence last weekend. Why the tile sticking now. When I had my swim I felt sick.

Then took a walk to the coffee shop and confused them by ordering three dishes with carbs in so they didn't know how to serve it, and had a hot coffee and a cold coffee. Having seen the poo yest I saw the elephant today.

Went to someone's house for dinner, met their kids, lots of family and had a great evening. I hope I wasn't too rude about anything sensitive - I did get into a rant when they asked me about shopping - for rugs. I went on about getting taken to shops by rickshaw drivers and getting offered rugs. They didn't know about the rickshaw thing, where they offer you a cheap day taking you round the sights, which turn out to be mainly rug shops.

Do all westerners buy rugs?

And then the big plate of chicken didn't get eaten cos Frantz and I are both veggie, and Pradeep didn't eat meat either. And they got the mango chutney out cos I blundered on abotu liking hot food. But the meal was delicious and especially the home made chutney. Raw mango means unripe so less sweet, but still tasty - much more tangy.

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