Blip HD

Blue skies to the west so set off on morning walk. The east held the encroaching clouds that hid the sun. Met a photography student who was taking time lapsed sunrise, every 5 mins he was freezing, standing about for 2 hours. Gave him a blip card.

Down to the burn and Juno raised two roe deer on back of Blackford Hill, first I have seen in ages in the city.

Down to football training. The wee ones had organised a tournie so the older ones were distracted. It was great to see 60 girls all playing football and all under 10 years old.(well done Lady Findhorn's neighbour for organising) One of the kids found a bag of hash, which I took over to the local police station for disposal. I thought of putting it in my compost bin, what would it have done to the worms?

Quiet afternoon, otu with the dog again and getting ready to go out for tea at some friends.

This is the Harley Davidsons gathering before they headed into town to lead the 3rd rifles, the noise was immense at 8.20 in the morning.

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