A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bun fight

Not much to say on the election results until there is a, you know, result. Still, a much brighter start to the day than I had feared.

Great dinner out with lovely friends last night combined with staying up to watch the first results and waking at 5am to hear what was happening meant a slooooow start to today. But a fellow parent had kindly invited me and A to go with him and his daughter to Windsor and lunch at a friend's fish and chip shop. Fish, chips and mushy peas later and a walk along the river to feed the swans, ducks and geese blew the cobwebs away in a lovely fashion. Back in time for bigger kid pick-up and with a friend of J's here for a playdate all has tumbled along nicely.

Carl's just arrived home so dinner prep can be done which will mean us eating soon after the kids are in bed and an essential early night will be in order. After catching up on last night's Outnumbered, which ironically I believe features a parent with a hangover.

Happy Fridays all
Lesley x

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