Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Unusual surroundings for me as off to the Big City for a course. People who know me would also know that I don't go on trains, and I don't go to big cities, but in that way at least I have improved. A case of having to I suppose. The course was interesting and very heated discussions took place. In fact we ran out of time really; not that I contributed much but at least I know I was not alone with my interpretation of the new system.

The best bit though was that I got to blip in new surroundings, and being in such "a vibrant place" I did not feel so out of the ordinary whipping the camera out.

So this building, glimpsed down an alley (do they have alleys in cities?) was a stunner, though the taxi driver watching maybe thought I was from outer space. I am - I'm living in North Yorkshire!

I also passed a Waterstone's bookshop and so got to spend my birthday voucher from youngest stepson (lives in London and thinks everyone has a Waterstones on their doorstep) so now I have a new stack of books to peruse ..... including a digital camera book which will hopefully "release your compact's full potential". Here's hoping!

Heck, I don't usually write so much, sorry.

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