A Dog's Dinner

By G

Tokyo and Kabul

Today I met a woman from Tokyo and had a call from a man in Kabul.

Let me explain, firstly, about 6 months ago a magazine in Japan published a very good piece on Blipfoto with lots of nice images. The journalist, Miki, is a lover of all things Scottish,she was over to set up house in Edinburgh including booking her daughter into Fettes College. So we had to meet up and have a chat where she presented me with a miniature toy film camera and some nice Japanese photo magazines.

Nice start to the day.

The next excitement was when I received a call from our very own Airborne Skygod live from Afghanistan. I had to have a quick word with him so I was hovering around my desk waiting for an email. Imagine my surprise when the phone rang and there he was - live from Afghanistan.

Now that was very cool.

So a busy fun filled day.

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