
Out and about in North Edinburgh today. Where the horizon is ruined with some fairly ugly housing. I did note (as I have in the past) that there are some places where it looks like the inhabitants have gone for the cheap option in housing (ugly blocks thrown up in the last couple of years with no thought for aesthetics) but have 50 grands worth of BMW parked outside. Why would you scrimp on where you live, but spend a lot on something that depreciates the second it's driven out the car saleroom.

I dunno...some people.

I spent quite a lot of time today staring at the Chancelot Mill. i am not convinced that it is a mill. But what can it be?

And not a lot else to report really. In my preparation for the Big Upheaval I have uncovered something that will make a very topical blip on Friday, so folks, pop back here then.

And howja all feel about mattress Monday (as suggested by HRH and Mr S? Shall we make it this coming Monday?

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