Sorting some plants in the garden today, as a break from potting up some of the 20,000* broccoli seedlings I had to deal with, I came across the pot of apple mint, salvaged from my Gran's garden when she moved out of their. It's my favourite thing of hers. I'm suddenly paranoid that it might not make the trip to France, so am acting in advance to protect my legacy and making a note that, when it has grown a bit more this season, I'll divide it into smaller plants so I can leave some safety plants with my mum as back up!
The picture is of my infamous quadruple chocolate brownies. I am under strict instructions never to show up to a book group meeting without them... So when I leave, I need to leave the recipe - can you leave a legacy when you've not died but just moved to France? Anyway, that means a photo guide to the recipe, of course, which means lots more goes at making it, which means bye bye for a while to my so-called diet!
*Some exaggeration has been employed for comic effect, but not much. (How come all of the broccoli germinated but only 2 of the sweet peas?)
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