Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Stop Thief!

Occasionally, I'm asked to use my camera in work to help out with various things. Today, it was to help another manager to set up a notice board for the staff related to stock loss/theft.
For the first time, I set up a white paper backdrop which I BluTacked to the wall and started to snap away. I saw this done, on a much more professional basis and with the right equipment, in a photography magazine recently.
In this photo are featured three of the products that are stolen most often and the electronic tags around the necks of the bottles are the main deterrent.
It's far from 100% perfect but I'm really pleased with the way the clear backdrop focuses your eye on the subject and also how it enhances the colour and detail. It's great what an old sign and two pieces of BluTack can do.
Lesson learned. Cue more experiments!

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