Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

signs of age

Bank holiday today, and one of the few we actually get off work, so my boyfriend and I decided, in true bank holiday style, to head for the seaside. Our initial plans were scuppered by road closures due to the Belfast marathon, so we went for plan B and headed for Newcastle, Co. Down.

It's a fairly standard seaside resort, bit tatty but they've tried to tart it up recently with a new promenade and pieces of public art. The last time I was here about 3 years ago this big silver ball was lovely and shiny and new, giving a fantastically clear reflection of the sky and the mountains in the background. Today it's looking worse for wear, the dirt really ruins the effect. Sometimes I wonder if they think 5 or 10 years into the future when they commission these things, or factor maintenance into their budget. This one could do with a good polish :)

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