By herrklantz

Going through the motion

Akedi and I went to the gym today. Hope that it is not as Shy says, that you have to chose between blipping and the gym. Anyway I think I won over Akedi today, more weight and longer running on the stepmobile:)

Funny thing about Akedi is that he always gets into interesting conversation with folks. Today he was talking to a man in the gym about arch support and orienteering. I think he is a collector of odd conversations.

After the gym I had to meet another (2 (2)) friend at a café.

My poor muscles were all worn out and it was a bicykle ride against a hard wind for about 8km, and I was late already. I managed to get there only ten minutes late with my tounge hanging out close to get stuck in the front wheel.

Autumn like it was today with the cold wind, and we were quite alone on the outdoor cafe.

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