Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

What a day.

Dimairt and I had a very quick walk in Flowerdale before heading off to the vet's in Conon Bridge for a hernia repair on the boy.

What knocked the wind from my sails was when the vet examined him briefly (and in the reception area); this was a different vet from Thursday. Cathy, the vet today, said "Mmm - are we sure it is a hernia?" Instead of asking the question "What else can it be?" I just kept quiet, or said something inane like "Oh, really?". She went on to say, "Oh, well, we'll see what it is when we open him up".

I have to say that after I said goodbye to Dimairt, I went out to the car and howled. I had simply not even contemplated the thought that it may be something else.

I had all sorts of things planned for Inverness today, and although I did a perfunctory shop, my heart and mind were elsewhere. I ended up driving back to Conon Bridge, and sitting (greeting, of course) in a car park, waiting for the phone to ring.

It did, and the news was fine, if a little odd. it was not a hernia, but was 2 hernias, and they were both mainly fat - something which the vet had not encountered before. Because of where they are, there is a chance that more may build up, so he is spending tonight in the vet's, and perhaps even tomorrow.

Only someone who has gone through this will know what a hellish 4 hours I had today. I am now drained.
But, it could have been so much worse. I am so looking forward to seeing him again, and hopefully this will be tomorrow.

Guess who is going to blip a pathetic photo of a poorly dog sometime soon?

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