All things Blipable....

By Tina


Today a group of us met and had a lovely sushi lunch, in honour of it being Helens birthday on Saturday!

Its always great to meet up with this lovely group of likeminded people..
its really a totally effortless friendships all round..

Helen Also has a Blip account and she was the one who got me into doing this!

The little girl in the pic today is Her Daughter Claudia, she will be 8 months on 23rd may... how the time flies.
she had a great time eating a bit of everyones lunch.. advocado, rice, chicken,asparagus....Blimey what a mess we all made.. the table was just covered!

i will miss them all dreadfully when i leave.. but i will especially miss Clauds...
after all
she is my honorary Grand daughter

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