a town called E.

By Eej

Rain, rain, don't go away ...

Thanks for all the well-wishes after my back-thing from yesterday. It's still not what it should be, but I'm a lot less hysterical about it :)

I took it easy today, mostly because of the ginormous amount of rain that fell this morning. The afternoon brought muggy. Muggy, like you'd get in August, not in May!

As we walked around Maple Island I came to the conclusion, once again, that I don't like people much. I've known I'm not a big fan of crowds for a while, but it seems that every year my tolerance goes down. And I get possessive. That couple sitting on our bench? AWAY with you! And how dare you disturb MY geese!
I also don't like anyone messing with, or even coming near my swallows/ducks/swans and anything else you find on the isle.

It's a good thing I just think nasty things and don't actually go about yelling them.
Yet ;)
I have decided that by the time I am 80 I will say and do whatever I want. I'm hoping I will be regarded as a silly old woman anyway and that being a possy botch will make people go: "Aw. Look at her being all old and silly", while they pat me on the back. I'm fairly certain I could not be mean if I'd know people would take me seriously :)

But this is true:
I only really like being outside when other people are not. I want the quiet, I need the solitude.
More rain please, spring! I'm not ready for summer!

And it's pretty too :)

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