
By disdatdudda

"After enlightenment, the laundry."

(questions on attaining enlightenment: did I?? will i ever? is it nice? does it show? )

"Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment. "
Dogen Zenji

(tick, tick, tick, tick...perhaps i wasn't sincere enough?...I don't feel any different...nothing much seems to have changed.)

"Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment. "

(aha! so perhaps i have but...have you noticed anything different?)

"Enlightenment must come little by little - otherwise it would overwhelm."
Idries Shah


"Enlightenment is not imagining figures of light but making the darkness conscious."
Carl Gustav Jung

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment."
Lao Tzu

(why didn't you tell me before you asked me to carry wood and chop water!)

"The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze with undimmed eyes on all darkness. "
Nikos Kazantzakis

"If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. "

(control my mind? hmm... it's getting more and more complicated: first just [url=http://www.blipfoto.com/view.php?id=552954&month=5&year=2010]chop wood, carry water[/url] now this...but i won't give up!)

"There ain't no answer.
There ain't going to be an answer.
There never has been an answer.
That's the answer."

Gertrude Stein


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