By evilangel


Yellow is one of primary colors unfolded in white lights.It's stimulates mental growth by way of the brain. We THINK in yellow - WISDOM.
Yellow is naturally associated with the sun itself, and so with its life giving and sustaining energy.People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.

Yellow enriches, lightens and activates many of the systems of the body. It's bright sunny energy brings about:
*clarity of thought
*memory improvement
*better decision making skills
*alleviates confusion

The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow.
Wear yellow to present a cheery, uplifting effect. Use it around your office to help keep a clear your mind, and improve memory and decision making.

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