From the North

By Tawastian

Cho-cho-cho-cho-cho... umm... CHOCOBO!

This was my second bar of chocolate in five months. I stopped eating sweeties and drinking lemonade since the new century had begun. I prefer dark chocolate and thought that it would be okay to eat chocolate sometimes but I haven't been yearning for it too much and have eaten just 1,1 bars this year (because I wasn't able to manage myself to eat more than four pieces this time and put the bar into a desk drawer).

So now I think it's just a positive thing that I'm getting weaned off candy; it hasn't been a hard way to go 'cause I just stopped to eat them. Now they taste too sweet which has made me not to recognize them. Great pluses are that my teeth are grating on no more (though I've never had any holes) and I have lost five kilos of my weight by stopping eating sweeties. I'm feeling quite elongated now which is odd 'cause I wasn't overweight before this.

Another thing I have been doing for about half a year now is strengthening my weak knees. I needed to start that with little and careful drills 'cause my knees do endure my own weight quite miserably when squating, climbing up and down the stairway and doing anything which could strain them. I've had that effort for about six years now and I think that's weird and frustrating. It has made me incapable to ski and skate; I can't bend my feet without straining my knees and skating on ice with straight feet is just too dumb to do. The doctor said it may be an inborn error which needs to be operated soon. Nice that I'm gonna get fixed.

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