Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Where I slept last night

Amazing views when we woke, soon disappeared into the cloud. Tryfan is a mountain we tried to climb the year we met and got rained off. We then tried last year with our little dog Pegs, but it was too scrambly for her and we had to give up. Today, third time lucky, we made it to the top. Having bivvied out about 1/4 of the way up to miss the bank holiday crowds, we managed to make it to the top by 9.30am, which felt like a real achievement. Bit of an adventure on the way up when we lost the path and ended up climbing up a fairly steep face in the wind and fog. Pretty frightening, and I looked down and scared myself stupid.

Bank hol traffic was awful. Made it back to Mums for a roast beef dinner and then onto the hospital to see my gorgeous nephew (still in love!) before home. Knackered!

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