
By Instography

Stupid, stupid, stupid

It was always a risky decision to forgo the possibility of a trip to Glasgow for the Blip event in favour of a talk on the practical applications of Neurolinguistic Programming. Let's not go into too much detail.

Highlight of the day had to be the acquisition of a nice wee 45-200mm zoom for the GF1. Not only that but the kind woman at Currys swung it for me to get £70 off on the grounds that I'd bought the camera there 28 days ago. The assistant manager, after clearing it with the manager was surprised that he'd agreed but I tell you, buying at the month end is the thing to do. At the end of the month, any sale will do. Now I can take photies of birds. Actually, I got a really good seagull in Princes St Gardens but it couldn't compete with a set of leaning chairs.

Still, Pensioner reported on the fun of the Blip event over a pint at Thomsons before I went to Haymarket to wait for 45 minutes on a train. The lure of the Clifton Fry was too strong. Then it was to the Ship Inn for a couple of quick ones before closing and home in time for a dram, Question Time and This Week.

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