With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Swanning around

This is what we were up to this afternoon. An extended blipmeet, with new potential blippers, and as you can see, it's serious business.

I had a fascinating talk with my friend Mark earlier, who knows all there is to know about discs that there is on the planet. He trains neurosurgeons in a technique of disc transplantation. The news I had yesterday from the MRI is not good. I have a massive hernia and thank God for these wonderful tablets that manage the pain. I'll blip the 'photo' tomorrow if I can get it to show up. I now know that surgery is necessary, but hopefully it won't be too invasive.

Anyway, the conversation turned to Blip later, as I was invited to a lovely lunch at Fiona's beautiful house. (Rooms available for a break, let me know). We basked a little and then took to the shade where we were charmed by the dulcet tones of Montreal.This is a cheers from us to the winners and all who took part in Scotland at Play.

We may have found a couple more Blipmates Meet ups won't be too arduous ;)

I spotted this cheating on the way to the square this morning. Surely a ladder is spoiling the fun of a climbing wall?

And here's Agu as a bandido.

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