A girl on a mission!

By missmission

Messy Play!!!

It's been a messy play day today! I just got a massive peice of lining paper out, the paints, sponges and let the children get on with it! Most of them were covered in paint....thank goodness the parents don't mind!!!

My daughter however cannot stand getting her hands messy so does everything very delicately! I'm a bit concerned by her obsession with clean hands. It's very OCD like and she has a bit of a panic attack if she even spills a bit of juice on her hand! Hence lots of messy activities at the moment, trying to persuade her that messy isn't all bad!!!

The finished product looks like one giant splodge but I'm going to use it as the backing paper for my display board! Thats the main reason why I got them to paint on that not normal paper!

Have just got around to a couple of backblips...still rubbish at getting a photo every day

Happy St George's Day!
Fun at Nanna's

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