Testing, testing 1,2,3,4,5,6...etc

I invented a new shortbread recipe. Been tweaking it for a bit, but think it's almost there. Introducing cranberry and vanilla shortbread with double chocolate topping.

I tested a bit to see if it was ok. Just took a little from one edge. It seemed ok, but I thought I'd 'test' some more. And some more. And some more. Pretty soon I'd worked my way around the edge of each side. Well, it happens.

Great morning with friends. Dropped Grace off at preschool then went with Ophelia to see Yvonne and little Sauly. Went for a long walk with the buggies, then dropped in to see Grace's friend Hester and her childminder Jodie on the way back. Little Ava was fast asleep, so didn't see her today! I saw a swallow on the way, and also lots of primroses on the walk. Spring is here!

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