Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

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This is what my students created yesterday. Tomorrow my Thursday students will do the same.

They've known the alphabet for years. A long time ago they learned to arrange letters to construct a word. Then they started lining-up words to make short statements that led to a paragraph of thought.

This week they are required to take all that they have learned this semester in their basic writing class and knead it together into a message that is coherent and cohesive. They not only have to prove that they know what is involved in writing a quality essay, they also have to prove that they can compose one.

For some it is an excruciating task. They hate themselves because they can't seem to find the discipline to study and practice--to prepare. For others it is exhilarating, partially because of the fear factor, partially because it's hard work, and partially because when they reach the top they realize what they are made of and that they can focus all of their energy into a major accomplishment. Their victory is delicious. It is a thrill to watch them taste it.

My journey seems to mirror theirs -- despising the papers that have no preparation and thrilled at the ones that burst through the Finish Line with gusto.

So I'm grading papers tonight, tomorrow, and . . . and, well until I get them all read and scored. I've thought a lot about origami, papier-mâché, and kindling. I'm so naughty. Okay, I've taken a break to blip. I'll sharpen my pencils and bury myself in paper. Thanks for reading this far.

Good night from a cloudy cold Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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